Friday, September 26, 2014


Hi, my name is Autumn. I'm a freshman at Penn State University Park. I've never written a single blog post until this moment. I used to think blogging was silly. I'm not even totally sure why I'm doing this. What I do know is that I love writing. Sometimes I feel like I express myself better through writing than through words.

I'm a total introvert. Yet, sometimes it seems like I wear my heart on my sleeve. I'm just weird. If I were to list a few of my favorite things, I might include:
-fall (go figure)
-the color yellow
-Grumpy Cat
-Starbucks (I know...)
-Dating Naked (TV show...)
-Kingsford (my one of a kind cat)

Since we have just entered the best season of the year, I guess I feel more inspired than usual. I don't want to set a theme for my blogs, but you can expect to see me talking about fall frequently. Please feel free to comment, as I enjoy feedback on pretty much everything I do. For now, I'll leave you with this quote:
"For what it's worth:
It's never too late to be
whoever you want to be.
I hope you live a life
you're proud of,
And if you find that
you're not,
I hope you have the
strength to start over."
               -F. Scott Fitzgerald

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